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Newborn babies are so darn cute and adorable that they make any parent fall in love with them instantly. But those early weeks and months can be challenging for first-time parents as they navigate the many changes that take place with their little bundle of joy. The question, “when is a baby no longer a newborn?” is an important one as parents can adjust their caregiving approach accordingly.

At what point does a baby stop being a newborn?

A baby is considered a newborn until they reach two months of age, although this can vary depending on the medical profession. After this time, they transition into the infant stage until their first birthday.

Some of the most noticeable signs that a baby is transitioning out of the newborn stage include their ability to sleep for extended periods during daytime hours and increased time spent awake, engaging with their environment. They also begin demonstrating a stronger personality as they become more independent. This is also a common time to see an increase in drooling as teething takes place.

Other things to look out for include their hearing becoming more developed as they become more active and their eyes starting to recognise shapes and colours. At this stage, they can start recognising their parents and other familiar objects like their teddy bear. They can also distinguish the difference between a light colour and a dark one. However, don’t worry if they don’t achieve all these milestones right away as all babies are different and will develop at their own pace.

Post Author: unescoafrica

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