Leading Edge Rehab Therapies provides physical therapy, massage, sports medicine, and other services for clients in Andover, North Andover, Middleton, Tewksbury, Lawrence, Boxford, Haverhill, and surrounding areas of Merrimack Valley. We utilize cutting-edge techniques to provide physical and occupational therapies for fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, arthritis, auto injuries, and more.
Advancing technologies, such as Gunn IMS (intramuscular stimulation), Alter-G treadmills, Summus Laser, and K-Laser, are helping therapists manage the pain and injury of their clients more effectively. Many of these tools leverage neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to change and heal in response to experiences.
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As individualized health care becomes the norm, therapists must expand how they design, analyze and appraise clinical rehabilitation research. RCTs still represent the gold standard methodology, but their analysis at group mean level can obscure individual responder results or wash them out by nonresponders. Newer approaches such as clinical pathways and the template for intervention description and replication (TiDIER) guideline12 allow therapists to evaluate trajectories of recovery and outcome based on well-defined treatment approaches and facilitate comparison of treatments in practice and research.
More oncologists are now recognizing the benefits of cancer rehabilitation programs that help reduce the treatment effects of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery and improve quality of life. The best cancer rehab centers offer programs that support patients before, during and after their cancer treatments. They can take place in different care settings based on the patient’s needs.